A RN or LVN who violates the state laws and issuances from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) should seek proper help from a Houston BON Attorney. Doing so could make or break their cases. As a matter of fact, the license can even be suspended or revoked if not defended properly.
On or about September 6, 2016, while employed in a children’s medical hospital in Houston, the RN failed to call the Medical Emergency Team (MET) when an infant patient turned dusky/purple in color and was noted to be lethargic with stimulation, which are two (2) of the four (4) possible criteria necessitating the calling of a MET response.
The RN failed to timely notify the physician, and instead, administered blow-by oxygen for 20 minutes, until the infant’s face pinked up and the arms and legs became less purple, before notifying the charge nurse. Her conduct could have caused injury to the patient in that the onset of emergency medical care would have been delayed if the patient’s respiratory and circulatory status didn’t improve with the administration of oxygen, and could have resulted in respiratory insuff.
In response to the incident, the RN states that the infant never exhibited any signs of respiratory distress and the blow by oxygen was administered because of symptoms of acrocyanosis, which began to resolve quickly. She indicates that the hospital has no established procedure for circumstances under which the presence of acrocyanosis triggers any duty to notify additional personnel and the baby’s circumoral cyanosis immediately resolved.
The RN concludes that in her eight year tenure with the hospital, it has been the norm for the mother/baby nurse to communicate directly with the nursery charge nurse, and never to communicate directly with the pediatricians regarding newborns.
Because of the incident, the RN was disciplined and suspended by the Board of Nursing.
The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) is the government agency that has jurisdiction to hear and decide administrative cases involving RN and LVN license. The Board has the power to suspend and/or revoke the nurse license. It is also the agency that is responsible for overseeing the practice of professional nursing all over the State of Texas.
The Texas Board of Nursing decided to revoke her license as a result of her actions. It’s because she failed to hire a good Houston BON Attorney for the case, which is why her defense was not matched with the evidence that the Board possesses.
A good Houston BON Attorney is always the best line of defense for these cases. This is the reason why Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is dedicated to helping those nurses in need to settle their cases. For a private consultation and other inquiries, it’s best to contact him for assistance by dialing (832)-428-5679.