An RN is expected to do their job right including intervention and notifying the physician as ordered about the status of the patient. Accurate and complete documentation is also part of their responsibility as a nurse. Any form of negligence on their responsibilities can cause harm to the patients and could put their license in danger. But a nurse attorney can help them fight the cases filed against an RN.
At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, and had been in that position for one (1) year and six (6) months.
It was on or about August 20, 2019, when the RN failed to intervene and notify the physician, as ordered when the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patient experienced a high glucose reading of 316 mg/dL. Additionally, the RN failed to administer ordered sliding scale insulin in response to the glucose reading. Three hours later, the glucose was still elevated at 386 mg/dL, and the oncoming shift administered insulin. The RN’s conduct exposed the patient to a risk of harm from potentially adverse complications of untreated fluctuations in blood glucose and non-efficacious treatment of the patient’s diabetes.
Then on or about August 20, 2019, the RN failed to completely document in the medical record of the aforementioned ICU Patient including hourly vital signs and blood pressure, hourly urinary output, and patient repositioning. The RN’s conduct resulted in an incomplete medical record and exposed the patient to a risk of harm in that subsequent caregivers would not have accurate and complete information on which to base their care decisions.
In response, the RN states that she provided insulin to the patient but did not notify the physician of the glucose level. And also states that she performed vital sign assessments every hour, but the documentation didn’t transfer over to the Meditech system. The RN states that a copy was printed from the monitor and placed in the chart. The RN states that she assessed and documented post-operative output, but her documentation may have been overlooked as it was documented as urinary output and not Foley catheter output. The RN states that the patient was repositioned as ordered, but documentation of this was not required since the patient was neurologically intact. The RN adds that this was all fully disclosed to the facility and discussions were had about the lack of staff and the negative effect this was having on patient care.
As a result, the RN’s misconduct became the reason for her discipline. The disciplinary action was set by the Texas Board of Nursing as per RN’s violation. This could have been on a different result if the RN could have hired a nurse attorney for her defense but has failed to do so.
If you have questions about the Texas Board of Nursing disciplinary process, you can contact the Law Office of Nurse Attorney Yong J. An for a confidential consultation by calling or texting 24/7 at (832) 428-5679 and ask for attorney Yong.