The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) or is referred to as the Board, is an agency that has jurisdiction over any matters and cases involving RN and LVN in Texas. They are responsible for overseeing the practice of professional nursing all over the state of Texas. Any RN or LVN who violates state laws and issuances from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) may be subjected to discipline, a suspension, or a revocation of a license if not properly defended by a nurse attorney.
At the time of the initial incident, the RN was employed at a hospital in Tyler, Texas, and had been in that position for two (2) years now. And on or about August 17, 2016, the RN failed to take precautions to prevent misappropriation of 2mg of one (1) Morphine 10mg injectable from the patient, belonging to the facility or patients thereof. The RN’s conduct was likely to defraud the facility and patients of the cost of the medications.
Another incident happened on or about December 14, 2017, through January 9, 2018, the RN withdrew Hydromorphone from the medication dispensing system for patients in excess frequency/dosage of the physician’s order on eighteen (18) occasions. The RN’s conduct placed the hospital in violation of Chapter 481 (Controlled Substance Act) of the Texas Health and Safety Code.
In addition, the RN withdrew Hydromorphone from the medication dispensing system for patients when not indicated by a documented pain assessment score and/or physician’s orders on fifteen (15) occasions. The RN’s conduct created an inaccurate medical record which future practitioners will rely on and placed the hospital in violation of Chapter 481 (Controlled Substance Act) of the Texas Health and Safety Code.
In response to the incident, the RN states that during chaotic shifts she would pull medications for multiple patients at the same time and then perform her pain assessments so as to not cause any delay in managing the patients’ pain levels. She recognizes this was not the best practice and is committed to learning from these mistakes. Additionally, due to a hydromorphone shortage, the pharmacy at Bayshore subdivided doses into smaller vials to stock the Pyxis which frequently leaked. This led to the RN and other nurses immediately wasting withdrawn hydromorphone vials and subsequently re-pulling the medication in order to ensure the patient would receive the correct dosage.
The RN has failed to hire a nurse attorney for defense which leads to this decision of the Board. If the RN only hired a nurse attorney, this could have yielded a different outcome.
If ever you have questions about the Texas Board of Nursing disciplinary process. Contact The Law Office of RN License Attorney Yong J. An for a confidential consultation by calling or texting 24/7 at (832) 428-5679 and ask for attorney Yong.