Losing your license may greatly affect your future career, but only if you failed to hire a Houston nurse attorney for your case. There are some RNs and LVNs who missed their chances to get their license saved from revocation just because they weren’t able to hire any nurse attorney to properly defend them.
At the time of the incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Bryan, Texas, and had been in that position for two (2) years.
On or about June 24, 2020, while employed as a Registered Nurse, the RN lacked the fitness to practice nursing in that she was sleeping while on duty. As a result, the RN failed to hear the patient’s feeding pump alarm sounding for approximately fifteen (15) minutes until the patient’s mother woke her. The RN’s condition could have affected her ability to recognize subtle signs, symptoms, or changes in the patient’s condition, and could have affected her ability to make rational, accurate, and appropriate assessments, judgments, and decisions regarding patient care, thereby placing the patient in potential danger.
In response, the RN states she was tired and relaxing in her chair, holding a cup of coffee in her hand with her legs crossed. The RN states she was not unresponsive to the environment and the alarm did not sound. The RN states she was not sleeping or woken by the patient’s mother.
The RN was summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) to defend herself. She denied all the accusations and cases filed against her. However, due to a lack of evidence to support her case and a nurse attorney to help her, she was disciplined and her LVN license has been suspended.
The lack of a skilled nurse attorney to defend her made her lose her case. The Texas Board of Nursing finds that her condition could have affected her ability to recognize signs and changes in the patient’s condition. Furthermore, her condition could have affected her ability to make rational judgments and decisions regarding patient care, which could place the patient in danger.
Because of this, the LVN has been subjected to discipline and her license was suspended.
Losing your LVN or RN license can compromise your career. However, a skilled Houston nurse attorney can greatly help you in major cases such as this. For assistance regarding your nurse license case, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.