All LVN or RN is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). All complaints or cases concerning the practice of the LVN or RN license are lodged before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Thereafter, the members of the Board will hear the case and decide on the issues or matters submitted for resolution. The parties charged are given an opportunity to be heard. This is part of their right to due process. Included in their rights are having a nurse attorney to defend them in case such a problem arises.
At the time of the incident, she was employed as an LVN at a rehabilitation facility in San Angelo, Texas, and had been in that position for one (1) year and five (5) months.
On or about December 11, 2019, while employed as an LVN at a rehabilitation facility in San Angelo, Texas, LVN misappropriated thirty (30) tablets of Zofran belonging to the facility and patients thereof or failed to take precautions to prevent such misappropriation. Furthermore, LVN admitted she had taken the tablets from a patient who had expired. LVN’s conduct was likely to defraud the facility and patients thereof of the cost of the medications.
In response to the above incident, LVN states there were only ten (10) tablets in the card and that she took the patient’s name off the medication card to prevent any HIPAA violations. LVN relates she was not feeling well and later went to see her doctor.
The above actions constitute grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10), Texas Occupations Code, and a violation of 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12(1)(A),(1)(B),(4),(6)(G),(8),(10)(E)&(11)(B).
The Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the LVN and her license into disciplinary action. The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled Texas Nursing Law Attorney, had the LVN hired one. Hiring a Texas Nursing Law Attorney for defense is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.
For more details and to schedule a confidential consultation, you must approach one of the most experienced Texas nurse attorneys, Nurse Attorney Yong J. An. He is an experienced nurse attorney who represented more than 200 nurse cases for RNs and LVNs for the past 16 years. You can call him at (832)-428-5679 to get started or to inquire for more information regarding nursing license case defenses.