An RN or LVN who violates the state laws and issuances from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) should seek proper help from a nurse attorney. Doing so could make or break their cases. As a matter of fact, the license can even be suspended or revoked if not defended properly by a nurse attorney.
At the time of the incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Denton, Texas, and had been in that position for seven (7) months.
On or about June 16, 2020, while employed as a Registered Nurse, the RN tapped the patient on the face resulting in two (2) bruises on the patient’s face. Furthermore, the RN initially admitted she hit the patient as a reflex, but subsequently denied hitting the patient and said she tapped the patient with an unknown force. The RN’s conduct was likely to cause emotional, physical, and/or psychological harm to the patient and could have interfered with or disrupted this patient’s treatment.
In regards to what happened in June 2020, the RN states that the patient had an incontinence episode during feeding and became upset and frustrated. And that she needed to suction him and calm him down to prevent him from having a seizure, so she patted him on his face and his upper chest intermittently to get his attention while talking calmly to him in order to calm him down. The RN also states that this is what she typically did to calm him down without causing any injury to the patient. The RN then lastly stated that when she left her shift, she did not visualize any bruising on the patient’s face.
The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) decided to discipline her license as a result of her actions and may receive further sanctions based on the evidence that the Board received from investigating the incident. It’s because she failed to hire a good criminal nurse attorney for the case, which is why her defense was not matched with the evidence that the Board possesses.
A good nurse attorney is always the best line of defense for these cases. This is the reason why Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is dedicated to helping those nurses in need to settle their cases. For a private consultation and other inquiries, it’s best to contact him for assistance by dialing (832)-428-5679.