Whenever someone filed a complaint against you, your license could be put in danger if not defended by a criminal Houston nurse attorney. An RN from Houston, Texas is just one of the many examples of nurses who have been disciplined by the Texas Board of Nursing. L100716N0662
At the time of the initial incident, the LVN was employed as a Vocational Nurse in a medical facility in Minnesota, and had been in this position for five (5) years.
On or about January 22, 2008, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse in Houston, the LVN was verbally abusive to the patient in that the LVN yelled and screamed at the patient when entering his room to give him his medications.
On or about February 3, 2008, while employed as a licensed Vocational Nurse, the LVN was verbally abusive to a patient in that she yelled the patient and told the respiratory therapist to take out his (Patient’’s) passe-muir valve (speaking apparatus).
The LVN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient in that it could have resulted in distress and or other harmful consequences.
However, without the proper help from a good defense nurse attorney, the LVN lost the case and she was disciplined and suspended.
The Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the LVN and her license into disciplinary action. The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled nurse attorney, had the LVN hired one. Hiring a Houston nurse attorney for defense is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.
Do not fret if you find yourself in a similar situation the same as that of the RN mentioned above. All you need to do is to find the right criminal Forthworth nurse attorney who can help you in the case. Equip yourself with the knowledge and expertise you need for a successful outcome by consulting a knowledgeable and experienced Texas nurse attorney. Contact the Law Office of Yong J. An and text or call attorney Yong 24/7 at (832) 428-4579